Mental Health Resources & Tools


Approximately one in five people is dealing with a mental health situation on a daily basis; yet only one-third of these people are receiving the care they need. Mental health conditions continue to be among the leading causes of workplace absence and are associated with high cost for treatments and lost wages.

Because of these challenges, it is essential for employers to build and sustain cultures of health and well-being in their organizations, which can lead to improved workforce and employee health, increased productivity, decreased health and disability costs, and enhanced employee engagement and experience.

We wanted to provide a variety of free resources and tools to help you address mental health in your organizations and bridge the gap by combatting the stigma around mental illness.

DMEC Mental Health Webinars

DMEC provides a variety of webinars on mental health topics throughout the year. We invite you to watch the recordings from some of our past webinars that cover employee case studies, multi-generational needs, RTW considerations, and more.

A Mindful Moment Recording

During the 2021 DMEC Virtual Compliance Conference, Ruth Wolever, PhD led participants through a mindfulness practice that could be applied at home or in the office. Take advantage of the mindfulness practices she demonstrates that can be applied to the everyday moments of life.

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Stamp Out Stigma

Stamp Out Stigma is an initiative spearheaded by the Association for Behavioral Health and Wellness to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and substance use disorders. Through videos, pledge opportunities, and education, this campaign challenges individuals to transform the dialogue on mental health and addiction from a whisper to a conversation.

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Workplace Strategies for Mental Health

Workplace Strategies for Mental Health provides free information, tools, and resources to employers and organizations who recognize that a healthier workplace can improve their bottom line through improving psychological health and safety in the workplace and supporting employee success when mental health is a factor.

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Working Well Toolkit

The Working Well toolkit is a collaborative effort of the National Alliance on Mental Illness-NYC Metro, Northeast Business Group on Health, Partnership for Workplace Mental Health/American Psychiatric Association Foundation, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and The Kennedy Forum to help employers foster a workplace that supports mental health and wellness.

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Job Accommodation Network Depression Resources

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Their accommodation page for depression features a variety of resources to support employees with mental health impairments.

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