We are CUPE 454.

We are CUPE 454.

Welcome to our website. Take a look around and let us know what you think. We invite your feedback!

We are the union that represents over 900 workers of the City of Delta and Delta Police Board civilians.

If you have any ideas for topics or articles on the site, let us know. Send us an email cupelocal454@dccnet.com or contact an Executive or Job Steward from the links on the Contact Us section.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us.

2024 CUPE 454 Election Results

CUPE 454 2024 Election Results

CUPE Local 454 2024 Election Results

Two-Year Terms

President – Sam Abulail

Treasurer – Kathleen Chan

Occupational Health & Safety Committees

City Hall/DCAS

Aaron Holt / Danielle Rancourt alternate Kathleen Chan

DCAS – Elizabeth McDaniel alternate Kara Morton

Engineering / Parks Operations

Engineering John Schellenberg

Parks Chris Veale

Construction Tracy Gustafson

Alternates Melanie Wardrop / Eli Wiebe / Cameron Fraser

Parks, Recreation & Culture

LLC Chantel Bourdon

SDRC Cherie Raines

WAFC Breann Jauncey

SRC Shelley Simpson alternate Ella Rabilzarov

NDRC Jaimie McIntyre

McKee House Sara Sochting

Discovery Centre Kendall Kloosterman

Delta Police

Pamela Hubbs / Allan Mercado

One-Year Terms

Second Vice-President Cherie Raines

Exec At Large/Diversity Dakota Payer

Exec At Large/Outside Richard Dalby

Exec At Large/Parks Jaimie McIntyre

Exec at Large/Parks Outside Mike Robinson

Exec At Large/Police Danielle Fantillo

Executive Job Steward Luke Tetrault

Labour Management Committee Police Melanie Pringle

Bargaining Police – Danielle Fantillo / Melanie Pringle

Bargaining City – Kathleen Chan / Talvir Nijjer /Mike Robinson

Public Relations & Community Committee – Jaimie McIntyre Talvir Nijjer,/  Mike Robinson / Luke Tetrault

CUPE Metro Council – Talvir Nijjer / Mike Robinson / Luke Tetrault

New West District Labour Council – Talvir Nijjer / Mike Robinson / Luke Tetrault

Trustee – Three-Year Term 2024 to 2027 Cliff De Silva

“R-Code” Rate Increase

Hello All,

Our local 454 initiated talks with respect to the “R Code” positions with the City of Delta regarding wage improvements and I’m happy to report that we have successfully had the wages increased.

This will serve as a small victory as the local is strongly pursuing in recognizing that all of the “R Code” members be part of the collective bargaining unit and thus shall receive negotiated wage increases in the future amongst other benefits.

In Solidarity,

Sam Abulail | Acting President